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Ease pain and relax muscles with our natural pain relief balms.

Pukatea is our strongest pain relief balm. Rapid relief from stronger and sharper deep pain and effective for impact pain from injury.

Parore combines magnesium with our unique native herbal blend to ease muscle pain from sports injury. Pulled muscles, sprains, contact injuries, shin splints and cramping pain. Maybe used for pain prevention prior to sports activity.


Mariri  is best for aching pain and throbbing pain from swollen joints. Eases dull nagging pain and the pain that stops you sleeping. Often used for sore hands.

Katoitoi works rapidly on impact injures bringing out bruising and reducing swelling. May be used in conjunction with the other pain balms. Also used for its warming effect on cold hands and feet and for stimulating increased blood supply to parts of the body.

Kaha Mai helps ease stiff joints where the cartilage is inflamed. Frozen shoulder and stiff knees often benefit from this balm.

Haumanu helps with some types of nerve pain. Used for sciatica and rheumatoid arthritis, it often helps when nothing else works.

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I suffer horribly from leg cramps due to standing all day and have had 5 procedures for varicose veins over the past 30 odd years. Cramp is so intense from my feet right up the whole of my legs that even with the continuous use of magnesium does not stop it. I am now able to control the cramp by using Mariri on my feet and calves when I can feel the build up which would usually turn to cramp once I  sit down or go to bed. This has been a great alternative for me as I am allergic to most painkillers.

Ana - Rotorua

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